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From The Outreach Committee/Missions

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Assisting Temple Adath Yeshurun's 2024


Food collected from St. Paul's to help in their

Response to Hunger food drive.

Mission Projects at St. Paul’s

Faith in Action

 St. Paul’s faith family is involved in a variety of missions, matching gifts with needs.  When a worshipper makes us aware of a need, we assess our ability to match it with the gifts among us.  Please let us know if there is another ministry we can join.  Also, does your life have room to be matched?  Here is a listing of what we are involved with:



Local Ministries

Smyth Road Elementary School                             

    Welcoming first day of school – parents & teachers                      Sharing the church parking lot for drop-off & pick-up

    Painting the Gym

    Trunk or Treat                                                        

    Christmas Gifts        

    Church Building Use for Emergency Evacuation


Liberty House    (for Veteran’s)                                              

    Personal care items


Webster House    (For Youth)                                                

    Birthday gifts and cakes                                         

    Pizza party                                                              

    Easter breakfast     


Hope for Recovery New Hampshire    (For Sobriety)

     Financial donations


Food Pantry at First United Methodist Church               

     Food and clothing                                                 

     Financial donations


Salvation Army                                                                     

     Financial donations


Simple Acts of Kindness (SAK)

     Prayer shawls, mittens, and hats

International Ministries

Heifer International


Blanket Sunday through Church World Service                   


Imagine No Malaria through the United Methodist church


Samaritan’s Purse for Children’s Christmas gifts world wide


Cleaning Buckets for relief through UM Committee on Relief

     Serving natural disasters



Visitation Ministry

Villa Crest Nursing Home worship services


Drivers Needed providing ride service


Alzheimer’s Support group for caring, friendship


Thanksgiving Baskets - food to assist families


Christmas & Valentine packages to church family in rest homes


Meals on Wheels


Fuel Assistance


Emergency Assistance as needed


Working With  Webster House

  St. Paul's Mission Team  is preparing a ministry for the Webster House - a home where children between the ages of 8 and 18 come to live for a period of time, away from their families.  There are times when a child deserves a 2nd chance – a chance to experience the joys of childhood and a chance to live in a structure, yet supportive and nurturing environment for children 8-18 years of age. 

We plan to provide birthday cakes and a present to each child.  If you'd like to bake a cake or would shop for a gift, please speak with Jan Loos.



News from the SAK Team

(Simple Acts of Kindness)


  We are looking for those who knit and crochet to help make lap robes, prayer shawls and baby hats.  These items go to Frisbie Memorial Hospital in Rochester, the Elliot Hospital, St. Paul’s ill and shut-ins, the Veterans Home in Tilton and Liberty House (homeless veterans) in Manchester.  Yarns are supplied.


  Our group is still meeting the 2nd Thursday of the month and will continue throughout the rest of the year in Fellowship Hall from 10 AM to Noon.  The group is growing and there is always room for more who want to join us or to just come for Fellowship!


The more the merrier!


  Last but not least thanks to all of you for your continued support for the SAK group and letting us meet at the church and the space we have to keep our yarn, etc.


First UMC Food Bank Support


Thank you to everyone who's been so generously donating non perishable food items each week to support the ongoing efforts

of the First UMC Food Pantry on Valley St. in Manchester.  Please be reminded that when you're sorting through clothing (children and adult) items, (indoor as well as outerwear), bag them up and bring them to church. These clothing items will be greatly appreciated to those who are in need.

Monetary donations are also gratefully appreciated.

The committee that oversees the Ruth Douglass Fund is happy to announce that they were able to donate $1,000 to St. Joseph’s Community Services, Inc.  The money is to be used for seniors 62 years plus needing Meals-on-Wheels delivered free of charge.

© 2015 by St. Paul's United Methodist Church | 335 Smyth Rd, Manchester, NH 03104, USA | (603) 647-7322

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